As a musician myself, I can tell you guys that it's hard to make a living this way. Even a lot of the big name guys struggle financially. Matthew Ward recently told me that he has had a problem with people downloading his music for free when he has it for sale on iTunes. So, please do support your musicians. We have bills, kids, house payments, medical bills, and all of the expenses that life throws at you. If you do download something, and you find that it's in print, buy it anyway. It's better to have the hard copy to collect anyway. Just my thoughts. Thanks guys. Serve your King, tell the world about Jesus.
Plus please read the other comments that where left before this one too.
Thanks, Johnny
"So if an artist has their music for sell, please support them"
I agree :O)
Some stuff is out of print, but being sold by a 3rd party. You can buy my Dad's (Tim Daniel) Vision Beyond cassette for 22 dollars in some places, but my Dad will not see any of that money.
I could not agree more. Thank you for reminding us.
I would love to buy from Mylon but he burned me. I bought Mylon We Believe and it was suppose to be from the masters but the cd was Just a scratchy album copy with Skips! $15 bucks. so Thats why I requested Mylon.
basically....If it's out of print -
flipsidemn it!
ok first of all Marty Phillips could you please send me your e-mail address at so I can email you something. I want give it out to anyone.
2nd I will post music artist who music is out of print. And being sold from a third party because their not get any off that money.
Like all of Servant stuff will be posted soon. For their stuff that is being sold from a third party there not getting any money's from them. So keep the want list coming. And those of you who have a link to some of the stuff people want please send it. Thank You, Johnny
That's fine by me. Most of the stuff I own is old, and I con't know who has what in print, except for a few of my favorite bands... and even those I don't keep close track of. And even when I do, stuff goes back in and back out of print. I know I own stuff on cd that was only re-released on cd for a short while and is out of print again.
The first four Servant CDs are available new at Amazon and CD Baby. The only ones which are currently out of print are Light Manoevres and Swimming in a Human Ocean. Bob H.
I've personally tried to keep my downloads to two main categories: Albums that are out of print and ones that I have already bought. This may have been 25 to 30 years ago, and in some cases it may have been bought used at some later point in time, but I do have copies.
question - if I own an LP or store-bought cassette, am I considered legal to download a copy?
My understanding is yes, you can own any format of the album (including digital) if you own an original copy.
Something that might be helpful is a page of links to artists sites. That way we can be fairly confident it is a legitimate site we are visiting and sometimes the name of the site is not as obvious as one would expect.
As a musician myself, I can tell you guys that it's hard to make a living this way. Even a lot of the big name guys struggle financially. Matthew Ward recently told me that he has had a problem with people downloading his music for free when he has it for sale on iTunes. So, please do support your musicians. We have bills, kids, house payments, medical bills, and all of the expenses that life throws at you. If you do download something, and you find that it's in print, buy it anyway. It's better to have the hard copy to collect anyway. Just my thoughts. Thanks guys. Serve your King, tell the world about Jesus.
I am from Europe. Most of this music isn't available over here an buying it from american webstores will cost a fortune. The world is bigger than the USA !!!
i agree that we need to support the artists. of course, why would you download any of this music if you didn't already own it in the past? for music education maybe? i am fairly confident that most everyone who comes to this site has purchased this stuff when it first came out many years ago. kids these days don't even buy music, they steal it. i spend all my money as a kid buying records and tapes, and many of them have been lost, stolen, or went missing.
this site is so great to relive many memories from junior high and high school. it's not fun to have to re purchase music that you already bought, especially if it's going to some dude on ebay who isn't even related to the artist.
and as for the artists needing to make a living off music they released 20-30 years ago: i sure hope that isn't the case. they either need to keep making new music or find another way to make money. i would never expect my random album to keep selling so many years after it was released unless it was a mainstream success.
that said, if there is a way to post links to bands or artists that we love, maybe we could donate money to them. many of the bands on this page literally shaped my life growing up and had a huge impact on me. so thanks so much for this site and allowing me to relive those great songs i grew up with!
@Chris Daniel. Your Dads album "Vision Beyond" is just about my all time favorite Christian album. I spent $40 six years ago getting the album and having it converted to a CD. And I know you dad will not see a penny of it. Or know how much I appreciate his work. I was so blessed when he finally had a website AND was able to make his music available for free to download.
I pray for your family and again am blessed by being able to give away his music to others.
I have mixed feelings on this. The bible tells us, "Freely we have been given, so freely we should give" but it also tells us "a laborer is worth of his wages"
So on the one hand, I think there will be musicians and record execs who will have to answer to God on judgment day. God freely anointed and gave that song so others would be blessed, and they tied it up and put a dollar sign on it.
I remember when I was a new believer and went to the Christan book store. Every Keith Green album had a sticker on it. "If you cant afford to buy this album, send me what you can afford and I will send it to you." Sounds like a good compromise between giving away freely and wages. I had a paper route and spent most of my earnings on buying the album at full price.
On the other hand, if an artist spends all of their time writing and recording music, there should be a way to support themselves at it.
This is a deep issue every Christian and Christian artist has to deal with.
For the Christian: if the album is available for purchase via the artist/label should I buy it? After all if I found it at the used store and purchased it for $1.00 there, it is legal and neither the artist nor the label sees a penny of such a sale. And for that it does not matter if the album is or is not in print.
For the Christian Artist. We are not to be like the world. They are PAID if they do a live performance, anything on top of that via sales is gravy. The line the Christian Music Industry (as opposed to the individual artist) has always stated that this music is a ministry. How can they put a price on it and sell what God gave them to give away for free?
I attended a church that brought in musicians and held free concerts. Why free? The pastor had an ethic. What if Jesus showed up at the door to the church, would we turn him away and not allow him in because he would not give us a mandatory "love offering" of $10?
I agree with buying any music that is for sale by the Artist.
I agree that, if possible, links to Artists websites should be up also. The problem is that, as I well know, sites are here today and gone next month.
Personally, what I download is stuff out of print or I have worn out my original copy and the re-release has a change from the original. An example is Larry Norman's song "Nightmare" from the album "So Long Ago The Garden". The CD release of that album has 5 words missing from "Nightmare". Those words are "We sleep 'til He arrives".
An example of my version of "out of print" album is the recently posted "Real 2 Reel" by Solid Rock. I own a worn out copy of the album. I have searched for years for another copy to no avail. Amazon, E-Bay, Craigslist, used stores, collectors stores. Nothing nowhere nohow.
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