The music found through this blog is intended for review purposes and should not be seen as a substitute for the original, legal, RIAA approved, record company enriching product. Please note that songs are available for a short amount of time. And if you like the music buy any reissues that may become available. Please support the artists and buy as much as you can directly from them. if you are the copyright holder of a particular album and would like me to remove it, then please let me know. You can email me @
John has re-sent the links for the albums, I will be fixing them over the next few day. So hang on and they will be fix. And please don't get mad at anybody for the links not working. It takes time to get things right. So have a Bless Day, Johnny
Steve said... I remember a rocking instrumental tune I heard (and had a partial cassette recording of) on Christian radio back in the EARLY 80's that started with spooky synth music with a deep voice quoting the first few verses of John 1, ending with "and the darkness has never mastered it." From there it went into this great jam. Ring any bells?This has been a mystery for more than 25 years as I've never heard it since. I'd love to get a title if someone recognizes it.Thanks. August 9, 2009 11:00 AM
sorry I have not been doing any posting been working. And as you know when work come in I got to work. And I Thank the Lord for all the work we been getting. But anyway the links that only have a limit of ten downloads. we are working to get them up again. I have been posting the links I get so for now on I will re-upload them to my Rapidshare collector account. Unless those of you who send me a link you make. You might want to start your own Rapidshare collector account it's free. So I will keep posting but it wont be as much as it has been. But please check out the other links I have posted. There is a lot of good music on their site's. God Bless and keep the faith, Johnny