Monday, May 23, 2011

NEWSBOYS - HE'S COMING BACK (Independent 1987)

Not many copy's left.
He's Coming Back is a set of two demo tapes recorded independently by Newsboys in 1987. It was cassette only, and was given out at their earliest concerts. This is a very hard release to find, enjoy while you can. Don't know how long it will be up.

1.He's Coming Back (3:50)
2.Listen For the Shout (3:35)
3.Stand Up (4:20)
4.You're Still There (2:54)
5.Victory (4:21)
6.It's Joy (3:32)
7.Read All About It (4:20)
8.He Died For You (3:40)
This comes from my personal collection.
New link:
Download at:


  1. THAT'S really COOL.

    Thanks a lot & a lot of blessings.

    By the way, how's your dad?

  2. Thank you VERY MUCH! I never knew of this one. (Tim)

  3. Thanks Great Materail!!! God Bless!

  4. Great !!! Great piece of collection!! God Bless!!!!!! =)

  5. Great!!! Great piece of collection! =)
