I have been getting a few e-mail from people who think that Chris (with
Old Christian Music) and I are in a race . This is not true. Chris use to send me music to post and I did and I will always be thankful for that. Just because he started his own site which I think is great. Does not mean were in a race or that I'm mad at him. Those of you who have been following my site Since I started back on Wednesday, January 16, 2008. Know that sometimes I get in a posting frenzy and I'll post up to 20 album in one day or only 1 album a week if that. And before I do post I check the other site to make sure I'm not posting something they already have. So please don't think there bad blood between us for the record I feel Chris is a good friend. If I did not feel this way I would not have added his link to my site. So please support all the link I have up the flipsidemn.